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Manta, né Max Ramaciotti, born in Genova, 30 June 1971, moved to Milano when I was 8 and in Damanhur on February 2018.
I am a Cancer with a saving ascending in Leo ????, moon in Acquarius. Still investigating but probably a 9-1 in enneagram.
I have studied marketing and I’ve been in the digital arena since 1997 with a first startup, ending up working as digital director with group of designers in big IT corporations, that need a change to survive reinventing themselves in new times.
I met damanhur first time in 1997, was in Medit-Action School already at that time, than I took “a moment off” (20 years…), but never missing a great ritual and attending DH school and courses, till my inner voice told me that was the time to end up the training and move to the real challenge here.
Change management and digital are 2 of my passions, but theater is another one. Since I was 16 I’ve been on the stage with non-professional theatricals, I am now in the theater group of the Via della Parola, and in these lat period training to learn singing.
I am a spiritual healer after the 5 year school in Damanhur, presently not practicing a lot but with the wish to develop in my second youth.
I have a passion for connecting diversities, maybe because my gender fluidity has been kind and issue in my adolescence, but useful to develop the capability to switch to different viewpoints.
My dream is to help Damanhur transforming in what one of the payoff states: “a living lab for the future”, exploiting all the opportunities that this great knowledge can represent. I believe we can get there also through the engagement of new talents, reinventing together the way we work and create together with the world. I strongly believe and feel that all the rest, the abundance and what is needed will come if we can do this with joy.