Join the Spiritual Popolo and find likeminded people that share spiritual values.
What is the Spiritual Popolo?
The Spiritual Popolo is the spiritual container of the most elevated characteristics, ideals and talents of the people that are a part of it.
Originally formed by Damanhurian citizens only, it came into being when they realized that sharing life and ideals had the potential to create something much greater than just a group. It could form a spiritual reservoir, a living connector between the human and the divine dimension. Like all indigenous people know, belonging and recognizing oneself in a Popolo is an indispensable element to reconnect the dimension of life and that in-between physical existences, the dimension of dream and that of material reality. It is a way to enhance one’s personal talents by tapping into those of others, while at the same time offering the best of oneself for collective, coordinated evolution.
Uniting intentions, actions and awareness and amplifying them through the spiritual reservoir of a Popolo means to perceive oneself as a cell of a larger body, and being more effective in supporting positive change.
Today, people of all ages from all over the world, are part of the Spiritual Popolo. They share a desire to grow, respect all beings and cultures, and find new practical ways to live in harmony with Earth and each other.
Why the world needs a Spiritual Popolo?
At a time in history when many cultures are disappearing and with them, a large part of the spiritual and cultural wealth of humanity, Damanhur felt the urge to contribute in reversing the trend.
A Popolo is the spiritual counterpart of shared life, arts, ideals, rituals, myths and mystical practices. It is an archetype that humanity needs to rediscover, to support existing indigenous peoples and give birth to new ones. From the separation of the I, to community, to spiritual Popolos: this is an important part of the recomposition of humanity’s soul.
Who is the Popolo for?
Joining the Popolo is for anyone who feels close to the spiritual objectives of Damanhur, and wishes to unite their light to ours in the awakening of Humankind.