Let's reflect on the big questions of life: Who am I? Where do I come from? In what ways can I give meaning to my life?
Once a month, on Tuesdays in Italian and Saturdays in English, on Damanhur’s YouTube channel, you can ask all the questions you want about Damanhur and receive information about the schools, courses, opportunities to visit communities and experiences in the Temples of Humankind.
Above all, you will get to understand why Damanhur exists, how it has grown to spread around the world, and in what direction it is developing and facing the great challenges of the future.
Our meetings will last about one and a half hours and will have a specific theme at its center, according to a schedule that you can help shape inside this online community.
The first part of each meeting will introduce the month’s theme.
The second part will offer meditation to allow the new information to sink deep inside yourself and bring out your questions.
The third will be devoted to questions and insights from your side.
Each meeting will be led by Gnomo Orzo, together with expert guests and researchers on various topics.
Participation is free of charge and no reservation is needed.
We ask you to help make this initiative known so that more and more people can be inspired to live a more meaningful life.