Epagomenoi: The Days of Ignition

January, having behind us the endless end-of-year celebrations, gives us a moment to reflect, shed those extra pounds, and regain our momentum.
Who among us doesn’t make new resolutions for the new year?
Yes, on one hand, the concept of a “new year” is a purely formal thought, tied to the convention of the calendar. But on the other hand, it’s an absolutely true message full of content if we observe it from a magical and spiritual point of view.
First of all, we find ourselves at the center of a thought bubble where we all wish for new and more favorable events, which in itself creates the conditions for a change of pace.
But above all, we are in the realm of the so-called “epagomenal days,” which begin at the end of the year with the birth of the gods and continue at the beginning of the year with the recognition of these gods by the peoples who have welcomed them.
From Egyptian tradition to Christian tradition, all celebrate the same period, albeit with different myths.The epagomenal days, which gradually fade away with the end of January, are characterized by a more vibrant, more malleable time, in which to give birth to new enterprises, adventures, initiatives of the mind and heart, so that “afterwards,” in normality, they can already be strong and established.
At Damanhur, we experience this period as the ignition of projects we will realize during the year, halfway between a wish and a directed intent.
And you?